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We will bring certainty to the preservation of our green space by creating a sustainable future for the Federal Golf Club


Federal has been working with the community and the ACT Government on a development proposal since 2016. Following a comprehensive 3-year review of the Red Hill Nature Reserve and surrounding properties, in June 2021 the Government released the Red Hill Integrated Plan that provides certainty over the long term protection of the Red Hill environment. 


The Plan recognises the environmental and social importance of Federal Golf Club and recommended the development of a low-impact retirement community in the southern portion of the Club’s land. In further consultation with the community, we are now in the process of developing our proposal in this location.

You can find our more about the Red Hill Integrated Plan here.


In May 2023, the Minister for Planning approved Plan Variation 384 that amended the Red Hill and Garran Precinct Maps and Codes consistent with the Red Hill Integrated Plan – recommendation 7. 


Our current proposal

The proposal at the Club will combine a critical infrastructure works package with a retirement community that will:

  • Provide the capital needed to complete urgently required upgrades to improve water security and storage;

  • Retain the 18-hole golf course including the existing golf-hole interfaces for neighbouring properties;

  • Include the development of up to 125 retirement dwellings;

  • Diversify the Club's long-term income sources;

  • Achieve excellent environmental outcomes for the community; and

  • Deliver new lifestyle and health amenities


Together, these actions will underpin our long-term financial sustainability and improve how we are valued by the community. The development will not contain more than 125 dwellings and will meet or exceed all of the requirements of the Red Hill Integrated Plan, including:

  • Retaining the 18-hole golf course;

  • Protecting the key ecological values and existing ecological corridors;

  • Ensuring that neighbouring properties continue to enjoy golf hole interfaces with bushland landscaping on either side;

  • Removing intensive commercial uses from the permitted uses list on the Club’s land, preventing further development; 

  • Increasing the net total tree canopy coverage on our land; and

  • Not allowing cars to travel between Kitchener Street and Gowrie Drive

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Final Red Hill Integrated Plan

Before development can start, and together with further community consultation, ACT planning legislation requires that detailed applications be made and approved. This process is comprehensive and includes:

  • A change to the Crown Lease to apply the changes in the Territory Plan to the Club’s lease.

  • The Lease Variation Charge process will apply and be followed to determine the applicable LVC payable. 

  • A development application submission and assessment process

Our previous northern proposal

The Club has previously explored alternative areas for development. We also explored options that were within our current permitted uses (hotel/motel). In 2018 we prepared a detailed application for the development of an area centred around our existing clubhouse. This was not supported by the Government on ecological, access and bushfire grounds (refer to sections 1.2 and 1.3 of the Red Hill Integrated Plan), meaning further applications for development in the north of our land are not possible. You can read more about how we arrived at this point here



Learn about why our project is urgently needed here

Federal Golf Club is proposing to build a retirement community within our golf course. Our Active&Connected website has been created to share information about the proposal and keep you up to date with the latest developments and our continuing community consultation.


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Contact Us
Gowrie Dr, Red Hill ACT 2603

t: 6281 1888

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